You keep your distance from me
Say that you think I'm crazy
Say that my views don't make sense to you
And I plead with you to tell me the truth
The truth is you keep your distance from me
Because it's hard to pretend around me
Because I make you face yourself
Because with me you are the real you
The carnal you
You keep your distance from me
Because you see your spiritual self
Your sensual self
Your freaky self
The strange side of yourself
You keep your distance from me
Not because I'm not pretty
Or thick in the wrong places
Or because I'm not intelligent
Or educated
Or because I'm lacking in my pocketbook
You keep your distance from me
Because around me your heart races
Your breath quickens
Your sense of smell returns
You can't help but touch my flesh
You keep your distance from me
Because I make you want to kiss my lips
Taste my tongue
Moan my name
Forget your name
Forget your wife
take a long walk... sip some lemonade... take your clothes off... relax in the shade... just breeeaaattthhhe